This Credit Transfer website is a helpful guide as you explore options and plan your tertiary education journey. Whether you're thinking about starting at TAFE NSW, or you've already finished a qualification with us, this website can help you see how your qualifications fit into your lifelong learning journey. Listing over 3,200 pathways across 28 universities and higher education providers, there is sure to be a pathway that appeals. Credit arrangements are updated regularly, so you should always confirm your eligibility with the offering institution by following the information in the How to Apply section.

Bachelor of Social Work

Offering Institution:

Australian Catholic University

TAFE qualification:

Alcohol and Other Drugs Diploma

National code: CHC53215 
Degree CRICOS code: 084790C 
Pathway credit points: 80 
Degree credit points: 320 
Available credits: Students with a completed CHC53215 - Diploma of Alcohol and other drugs may be offered up to 80 credit points.  
How to apply: To start your university journey, apply directly to ACU now here
TAFE qualification:

Community Services (Child, Youth and Family Welfare) Diploma

National code: CHC52021 
Degree CRICOS code: 084790C 
Pathway credit points: 80 
Degree credit points: 320 
Available credits: Students with a completed CHC52021 - Diploma of Community Services (Child, Youth and Family Welfare) may be offered up to 80 credit points.  
How to apply: To start your university journey, apply directly to ACU now here
TAFE qualification:

Community Services Diploma

National code: CHC52021 
Degree CRICOS code: 084790C 
Pathway credit points: 80 
Degree credit points: 320 
Available credits: Students with a completed CHC52021 - Diploma of Community Services may be offered 80 credit points.  
How to apply: To start your university journey, apply directly to ACU now here
TAFE qualification:

Counselling Diploma

National code: CHC51015 
Degree CRICOS code: 084790C 
Pathway credit points: 80 
Degree credit points: 320 
Available credits: Students with a completed CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling may be offered 80 credit points.  
How to apply: To start your university journey, apply directly to ACU now here
TAFE qualification:

Mental Health Diploma

National code: CHC53315 
Degree CRICOS code: 084790C 
Pathway credit points: 80 
Degree credit points: 320 
Available credits: Students with a completed CHC52021 - Diploma of Community Services may be offered up to 80 credit points.  
How to apply: To start your university journey, apply directly to ACU now here