This Credit Transfer website is a helpful guide as you explore options and plan your tertiary education journey. Whether you're thinking about starting at TAFE NSW, or you've already finished a qualification with us, this website can help you see how your qualifications fit into your lifelong learning journey. Listing over 3,200 pathways across 28 universities and higher education providers, there is sure to be a pathway that appeals. Credit arrangements are updated regularly, so you should always confirm your eligibility with the offering institution by following the information in the How to Apply section.
Degree: Bachelor of Nursing (BNSG)  Offering Institution: University of Southern Queensland 
TAFE qualification: Nursing Diploma 
National code: HLT54121 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 093153B 
Pathway credit points:
Degree credit points: 24 
Available credits: A completed HLT54121 - Diploma of Nursing may achieve the following 8 points of credit into Bachelor of Nursing (BNSG):
NSC1501 Bioscience for Health Professionals
NUR1100 Introduction to Nursing
NUR1102 Literacies and Communication for Health Care
NUR1103 Context of Professional Nursing Practice
NUR1203 An Introduction to Cultural Safety and Professional Practice
NUR1120 Burden of Disease and Health Equity
NUR1204 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
NUR1398 Foundations of Nursing Practice Theory (0.5)
NUR1399 Foundations of Nursing Practice (0.5)
Note: This credit can only be awarded where the Diploma of Nursing course (Enrolled-Division 2) is ANMAC-approved and the student is able to supply both a copy of their Diploma of Nursing completion certificate
and a copy of their current AHPRA registration with no conditions listed. Where conditions are listed, the application will be referred to the Program Director for review.  
How to apply:

As a TAFE or VET graduate, you can use your awards of certificate III, certificate IV, diploma or advanced diploma to submit an application to study with UniSQ. We convert your TAFE or VET qualification and results along with your past school results and work experience (if applicable) into a selection rank. It is this selection rank that determines which degrees you may meet the entry requirements for.
Discover your perfect degree; find out key dates; and understand the entry requirements. The next step to take is applying!