This Credit Transfer website is a helpful guide as you explore options and plan your tertiary education journey. Whether you're thinking about starting at TAFE NSW, or you've already finished a qualification with us, this website can help you see how your qualifications fit into your lifelong learning journey. Listing over 3,200 pathways across 28 universities and higher education providers, there is sure to be a pathway that appeals. Credit arrangements are updated regularly, so you should always confirm your eligibility with the offering institution by following the information in the How to Apply section.
Degree: Bachelor of Business majoring in Aviation Management  Offering Institution: Southern Cross University 
TAFE qualification: Aeronautical Engineering Advanced Diploma 
National code: MEA60418 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 12 units, of a total of 24 (50% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units; 4 specified units:
Credit reference number: C06999S
SOCI1004 Applied Ethics and Sustainability
COMM1001 Communication in Organisations
MGMT1001 Managing Organisations
STAT1001 Statistical Analysis
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details:
TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aeroskills (Avionics) Certificate IV 
National code: MEA40618 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 4 units, of a total of 24 (16% of the course) - 4 unspecified elective units.
Note Entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aeroskills (Avionics) Diploma 
National code: MEA50118 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 96 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units.
Note Entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aeroskills (Avionics) Diploma 
National code: MEA50115 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 96 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified Part C elective units. NOTE: guaranteed entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aeroskills (Mechanical) Diploma 
National code: MEA50215 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 96 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified Part C elective units. NOTE: guaranteed entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aeroskills (Structures) Certificate IV 
National code: MEA41318 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 48 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 4 units, of a total of 24 (16% of the course) - 4 unspecified elective units.
Note: Entry is subject to English Language proficiency.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aircraft Surface Finishing Certificate IV 
National code: MEA40918 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 48 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 4 units, of a total of 24 (16% of the course) - 4 unspecified elective units.
Note Entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation (Chief Flight Instructor) Advanced Diploma 
National code: AVI60116 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 12 units, of a total of 24 (50% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units; 1 unspecified block credit unit; 3 specified units:
Credit reference number: C06980S
COMM1001 Communication in Organisations
MGMT3002 Human Factors in Aviation
MGMT1001 Managing Organisations
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details:
TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation (Chief Flight Instructor) Advanced Diploma 
National code: AVI60119 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 12 units, of a total of 24 (50% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units; 1 unspecified block credit unit; 3 specified units:
Credit reference number: C06978S
COMM1001 Communication in Organisations
MGMT3002 Human Factors in Aviation
MGMT1001 Managing Organisations.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details:
TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane) Diploma 
National code: AVI50215 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified Part C elective units. NOTE: guaranteed entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane) Diploma 
National code: AVI50219 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units. Note Entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements
Credit Reference Number: C06974S
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation (Instrument Rating) Diploma 
National code: AVI50519 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Pathway credit points: 96 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units. Note Entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements
Credit reference number: C06977S
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation (Instrument Rating) Diploma 
National code: AVI50415 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units.

Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation (Pilot in Command) Advanced Diploma 
National code: AVI60216 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 12 units, of a total of 24 (50% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units; 1 unspecified block credit unit; 3 specified units:
Credit reference number: C06945S
COMM1001 Communication in Organisations
MGMT3002 Human Factors in Aviation
MGMT1001 Managing Organisations
In the Bachelor of Business (Aviation Management) students will complete the following 12 units:
ACC10707 - Accounting and Finance for Business
ECO10250 - Economics for Decision Making
LAW00150 - Introduction to Business Law
MAT10251 - Statistical Analysis
MKT00075 - Marketing Principles
MKT10724 - Services Marketing
MNG00114 - Competitive Strategy
MNG72005 - International Business
MNG10696 - International Tourism Destinations
MNG10697 - Aviation Management
MNG73022 - Airport Management
MNG73021 - Issues in Aviation
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details:
TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation (Pilot in Command) Advanced Diploma 
National code: AVI60219 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 24 
Available credits: Credit granted: 12 units, of a total of 24 (50% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units; 1 unspecified block credit unit; 3 specified units:
Credit reference number: C06979S
COMM1001 Communication in Organisations
MGMT3002 Human Factors in Aviation
MGMT1001 Managing Organisations.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details:
TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation Maintenance Management (Avionics) Diploma 
National code: MEA50315 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 96 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified Part C elective units. NOTE: guaranteed entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation Maintenance Management (Avionics) Diploma 
National code: MEA50318 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 96 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units.
Note Entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation Maintenance Management (Mechanical) Diploma 
National code: MEA50418 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 96 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified elective units.
Note Entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.
Note the maximum credit will depend on the subjects studied - see SCU website for additional details: TAFE to Southern Cross Pathways - Southern Cross University (

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here
TAFE qualification: Aviation Maintenance Management (Mechanical) Diploma 
National code: MEA50415 
International students: Yes 
Degree CRICOS code: 089780J 
Guaranteed pathway: Yes 
Pathway credit points: 96 
Degree credit points: 288 
Available credits: Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course) - 8 unspecified Part C elective units. NOTE: guaranteed entry is subject to English language course proficiency requirements.

For further details view Southern Cross University dedicated page for TAFE graduates
Want more specific information?
Enquire online or call:
  • Australian or New Zealand future student:  t: 02 6620 3444 OR 1800 626 481
  • International future student:    t: +61 2 6620 3876 OR 1800 732 551
How to apply: Apply now
  • Australian and New Zealand citizens and humanitarian visa holders should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
  • International citizens studying in Australia on a student visa should see Apply for Admission and Advanced Standing;
Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare 
At Southern Cross University we recognise that everyone has travelled a different path to get here so we've put together a transition program to show you what university life and study looks like. Learn more about the Vocational to Higher Education Connect and Prepare program  here